Friday, March 6, 2009


Panic mode is beginning to set in....shoulda done, coulda done hafta do...that sort of thing. I'm thinking I should have baked one cake last night, but I didn't:o( Oh well, It will get done. One's in the oven now while I'm waiting to take Jack to school.

Breathe deep, frog, breath deep...

I really need to clean the counters off so I can have room for the HUGE cake board. ALSO have to shop for last minute stuff on an extremely tight budget. Greg's foot doctor made him stay off work last week for 3 FUCKING DAYS and he has no paid sick time or vacation time available yet, so his check sucked ass this week.

Deep breaths....we can do this.....

Shapes are painted - the ones that need to be - and they look pics yet. The really thinly rolled ones got soft after the edible paint was applied, but they'll be fine. Who cares if they might break in half and look like total crap.


I'm off for my super busy, super long, stressful but <<WORTH IT!!>> day.


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