Saturday, January 10, 2009

Evolution of the Frog

It's weird...I was doing dishes last night (no, that's not the weird part, but it is unusual for me to do dishes) and a thought popped into my head. As much as I whine and moan about my current job, I'm VERY comfortable there. Never have I had a job where I can be myself 100%. Sure, in high school jobs I could, but I mean in my adult life.

Working at big offices and call centers, I've always tried to put on a 'professional persona'...almost having 2 people in my head. I remember thinking that way sometimes while I was on those jobs. It's like I had to morph into someone else to be successful and to look ready for the next promotion. I'm sure it was all in my head that I had to be someone else, but that someone else did get promotions and compliments and I was looked up to by a lot of co-workers. Management loved me and wanted my input. I used to think: geez, if these people only knew who and how I really was they'd see the nervous, backwards band-geek on the inside.

Fast forward several years and I finally get a job close to home that actually pays well. Yeah, I'm still the same dual personality at first, but over the last 2 (nearly 3) years, I've melded back into being just me...or maybe a nice mix of my 2 personas. I'm comfortable around management and I can speak my mind and act how I want to act. It's a much smaller office than I was used to (6 direct co-workers instead of 96) and I think that's helped my phsyco mind reconcile with my professional mind.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Tragic love story...

Caffeine is a lover of mine. Waking early in the morning, seducing me out of bed to partake in all his glory. Morning is when I get my big fix of this amorous friend of mine. One cup...two cups...4 cups..sometimes I make it up to 6 cups if I'm lucky.

Throughout the day, he calls to me...lustfully, I answer the call mid-afternoon. He is my cool, effervescent companion before sleep takes over as my nightly affair.

Alas, I know I must stop the temptation, so I can enjoy my stronger affair with sleep. I will only see my future ex-lover in the morning when sleep leaves me all alone. Yes, I will be tempted and may even give in to my strong desire for my 'afternoon delight', but I will try so hard to make it a nice little wake-up call of only 2 cups...drastic reduction that will be heartbreaking for my lover and for me.

**froggy** (lack of afternoon and evening caffeine has rendered me temporarily insame)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thoughts on New Years Resolutions

Let's get it out of the way....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

What is it about the new year and resolutions? Might be that I'm older and wiser, but I just don't get it. When I think of resolutions, I think of people vowing to exercise more, eat better, take care of themselves more, etc. I also think of the fact that by February, the majority of them will have given up. I used to be among those 'resolutioners' every freaking year. Kind of gets depressing when you think of all the coulda shoulda woulda moments in life. How about we change the whole resolution deal.

Hear me out. Instead of waiting for New Year's Day and promising yourself a lot of hard to do, white-knuckling things, just treat everyday like new years. Wake up every morning and name some things you vow to do better. A daily renewal is much better than a once a year 'hope I can hang on for more than a month' goal.

Today, I vow to:
Take care of myself by eating reasonably and doing a nice pedicure/manicure and allowing myself to quit trying to please every freaking person on the planet

Take care of my dogs by brushing their coats and giving them lots of affection

Take care of my son by making sure he eats a healthy breakfast and knows how proud I am of him

Take care of my husband by loving him despite his shortcomings and to forget about past problems instead of thinking about them all day.

Take care of my house by making a plan of action for housework and maintenance

How about you? What will be your daily renewal promise to yourself?
