About 6 years ago, I was lucky enough to receive a kidney transplant. My new kidney came from a 17 year old girl from a town about 100 miles away. I've had some contact with her family and I know that she was a very special person, and I'm honored to help her live on.
Tomorrow, I will be walking in The National Kidney Foundation Kidney Walk at Callaway Park in Elwood. I'm trying to help raise money for kidney disease/health awareness. More people than you realize have kidney disease. Some of it is genetic - as is my case - and some of it can be prevented. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, you can control these issues to prevent damage to your kidneys. Let me tell you, I would love to have been able to prevent my kidney failure if I could have and I know some people with diabetes who could care less about controlling it the way they should. Same goes for blood pressure...check it often and get medicated if needed!
My wonderful husband attempted to give me one of his kidneys 8 years ago, but my body rejected it within 7 days. I kinda joke that my body didn't have enough beer residue to entice the kidney to stay. It was devastating, though, to realize that he went though all that he did only to have my body throw it in the garbage. Things happen for a reason and I knew it would be ok.
I was on peritoneal dialysis for about a year and a half when I got the call on a Saturday morning. It was terrible thinking that someone had to die for me to live a more free life. I know that kidney failure is bad, but it's not as bad as needing a heart or a lung transplant. At least I could go on dialysis to keep living.
So anyway, wish me luck on the walk tomorrow...5K. I'm not in the best shape, but I can do this.
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