Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day One...the beginning

Welcome to my Froggy world. I'm Katrina...nice to meet you:) I'm a working mom, a loving and stubborn wife and the best procrastinator in the world. My son is 15 and is playing football this year for the first time - pretty good for a beginner if you ask me. My husband is a wonderful guy who has his issues, but we are working through them together. I mean, who doesn't have issues? I know I have a lot - and I mean a lot!!!

We have two dogs in our life right now: a boxer named Ollie and a terrier mix/mutt named Ginger. Ollie is the smart, fun-loving dog and Ginger is...well, ginger is 'special'. She's fun and loving, but just a little off in the head.

I work the wonderful afternoon shift at my job: 11am to 7pm. Takes up my whole freakin' day! It's not my favorite place to be, but it's close to home and pays well. The people are pretty nice. I've been employed there for 2 1/2 years and I've adjusted.

I'm addicted to online gaming, shoes, food, sex and money. You can never have too much of any of those!

So, it's great to be here and I hope to have at least a few people stop by and read my blog...I'm not really too boring, I promise!


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